Athlete Tough

Athlete Tough

proven strategies for staying in the game

Are your athletes ATHLETE TOUGH™?

In pre-game or practice it’s easy to visualize success, run through strategies, control our breathing, and keep heart rates low when the pressure’s off. But toughness is not shown by your ability to perform in practice, or how well you know the game and race plans.  

The number one issue concerning coaches is that their success is measured by their athletes’ mental toughness to perform in competition, no matter the circumstances. The struggle that resonates with coaches in any sport is how do you develop this resiliency in your athletes? ATHLETE TOUGH™ was created by 3 x Olympic Medalist, Bo Hanson, to answer this call.

"Being uncomfortable is the lifeblood of toughness"
- Bo Hanson

Solving a Tough Problem in Sport

Coaches are unanimous in saying that they struggle with HOW to develop resiliency in their athletes. ATHLETE TOUGH™ was developed to answer this call. It is practical. It is written for coaches and athletes by a coach, athlete, and consultant all wrapped up in one!

So, what does it look like to be a tough individual, or team? What strategies can you use to achieve this every game, every race? Who better to teach you resiliency than an athlete and coach who knows what it takes to perform on and off ‘the field’, and lived the very strategies he now teaches across four Olympic cycles?

Many of the books or programs available on mental toughness today are written in language that is difficult to understand, by psychologists who lack experience in using the strategies themselves. As an elite athlete, coach, and consultant all in one, Bo Hanson delivers the ATHLETE TOUGH™ handbook and video series with both the athlete and coach in mind, to take your performance to the next level.

ATHLETE TOUGH™ is designed specifically for athletes to ensure the information is relevant, useful, and digestible for you. Not only have these strategies been used throughout an extensive Olympic career, but they have helped form the success of Bo’s business for the last 14 years – Athlete Assessments.


ATHLETE TOUGH™ is designed specifically for athletes to ensure the information is relevant, useful, and digestible for you. Not only have these strategies been used throughout an extensive Olympic career, but they have helped form the success of Bo’s business for the last 14 years – Athlete Assessments.

  • ATHLETE TOUGH™ Handbook and Video Series is designed to ensure your athletes never quit, never give up on their team, and never lose sight of why they are in the game to begin with.  
  • ATHLETE TOUGH™ teaches athletes how to build their own mental resiliency. The toughest athletes have all developed personalized strategies to keep themselves mentally strong.
  • ATHLETE TOUGH™ provides step-by-step processes to help athletes become mentally strong and stay tough under pressure.

This is what it takes to be ATHLETE TOUGH™

Mental toughness is not some mythical quality that some people just inherit. It can be taught and developed over time like any other skill, and there are proven strategies to train your athletes to be ATHLETE TOUGH™.

Being ATHLETE TOUGH™ is accepting the challenge of competition and bringing the absolute best of yourself to compete every game, every race. Tough athletes want to be proud of themselves most of all, that’s the only scoreboard they care about.

Take a Look Inside the Program

“Tough athletes focus their energy on what they can control.”

Want to learn more about how the ATHLETE TOUGH™ Program can improve your athlete’s mental toughness? We have provided exclusive access to a sample chapter from the ATHLETE TOUGH™ Handbook and a sample from the ATHLETE TOUGH™ Video Series.

“When one goal has been achieved, tough athletes raise the standard for themselves and set a new goal, constantly stretching and challenging their comfort zone.”

Want a taste of what it takes to be ATHLETE TOUGH™?

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